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Rate Valuation Lists

Rate Valuation Lists: 1853 - 1980

Property rate/tax valuation lists, of which the Griffiths/Primary Valuation was the first, record the names of occupiers and immediate lessors of property, extent of property, its valuation, and rates due. Valuation lists remained in use for several years, and changes, eg in ownership, were noted.  Cork City lists are arranged by ward/electoral area. The main body of County valuation lists held consist of volumes for the years 1908 to c.1948, with one or more volumes for each electoral division within each rural district. Also held are valuation lists covering the years from c.1888 to 1897 arranged by barony, based on the old Cork baronies as per the earlier Primary Valuation (Griffith’s Valuation) in the 1850's.

  • Valuation Lists, Cork City, 1853, 1900–1980s
  • Valuation Lists, County Cork, 1888-1980s
  • Rate and Valuation Books, Fermoy, County Cork, 1861-1979
  • Rate and Valuation Books, Mallow, Co Cork, 1936-78  

ACCESS: Hardcopy by appointment in public research room