School - Educational Resource Packs

We have created 2 school/educational resource packs intended for teachers, and students.

Great Famine Facsimile Pack

The Archives has digitised a resource pack on the Great Famine in Cork. The pack was originally produced to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the Famine in 1845, and was funded by Cork County Council. (For school use, we recommend printing this on A3 sized paper)

Download Great Famine Resource Pack

Great Famine Facsimile Pack Cover Image

Resource Packs for Teachers: Cork 1912-1918

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising 1916, the Archives, with funding from the Heritage Council of Ireland, produced a set of online teacher resource packs: Through War and Rebellion: Cork 1912-1918

Resource Packs Poster Image
Resource Packs Poster Image

Painting 'Awaiting the Emigramt Ship', by Cork Artist Charles H. Cook 1867
Painting 'Awaiting the Emigrant Ship', by Cork Artist Charles H. Cook 1867. With the old Cork City Hall in the background (Famine Pack)