National Heritage Week 2024 at Cork City & County Archives

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National Heritage Week 2024 

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Two talks were held on 22 August at Cork City and County Archives as part of National Heritage Week, in association with the Western Front Association, Cork Branch.

Rachel Abraham presented her talk 'Not so Quiet on the Western Front' which explored the fight against venereal disease in the First World War, proving a fascinating insight into the real experiences of soldiers on the Front, and not just the sanitised version!

Denis Kirby presented his talk 'An Irish Family in War and Revolution- But a family not divided by war' which traced the dramatic lives of members of the Higgins/O'Higgins family (including Kevin O'Higgins TD) through the First World War, the War of Independence, and the Civil War.



Rachel Abraham presenting her talk 'Not so Quiet on the Western Front' on 22 August 2024 at Cork City and County Archives.