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Liam de Róiste Diaries Online

Cllr. Liam de Róiste T.D. (b1882-d1959) was a key nationalist and republican leader in Cork and also played a part in national politics, for example as Leas Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann for part of the Anglo-Irish Treaty debates in 1921 and 1922. The Archives preserves his personal archive, which includes his original manuscript diaries/journals dating from 1902 up to 1947. As part of the Council's and Central Government's Decade of Centenaries commemorative programme, the Archives is making available online de Róiste's diaries from 1914 to 1922. Phase 1 of the project involved the publishing of the 1914 to 1920 period diaries. This was accomplished in-house by the Archives. Phase 2 involved the publication of the 1921 to 1922 diaries, which was funded by the Cork City 1920-23 commemorations programme. The diaries contain extensive commentary on politics and various public matters, and they are of major interest to the study of the Easter Rising/1916 period, Irish nationalism and republicanism, the War of Independence and Civil War, the Anglo Irish Treaty, and the period of the First World War in Ireland as well as giving a first hand insight into local and national figures, events, institutions and culture during the revolutionary period. (Note: the diaries from 1902 to 1914 and 1922 to 1947 are available in hard copy only, by appointment in our research room)

Cork City Council 1920-1923 Commemorations

 See Also: More biographical details about Liam de Róiste TD