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Clubs, Societies, Trade Unions

These archives often include members' registers, board/committee minutes, financial accounts, correspondence, ephemera, memorabilia, and photographs. Documents relating to membership and activities of clubs and societies are also to be found in many personal and family papers. For a full list of these archives, do a search of our online catalogue.

  • Amalgamated Engineers Union (A.E.U) 1925-1990
  • Ancient Order of Hibernians, Crosshaven 28 Jan 1910 - 3 May 1915
  • Castlemartyr Legion of Mary: newsletters 1963-1977; 1995-1999
  • Communications Workers Union, Cork Branch (1959) 1966 - 1990 
  • Cork Catholic Young Men's Society 1882-1960
  • Cork Children's Fresh Air Fund Association 1932 - 1984
  • Cork Civic Party 13 Jun 1946 - 28 Dec 1948
  • Cork Community Development Institute 1972-1996
  • Cork Constitution Rugby Football Club 1892-1993
  • Cork Coopers’ Society 1870-1965
  • Cork Council of Trade Unions,  1915 - 1988
  • Cork County Club 1837-1989
  • Cork County Cricket Club 1873 - 1990
  • Cork Grafton Club 1888-1939
  • Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Book and Journal Special Collection
  • Cork Industrial Development Association 1909-1919
  • Cork Literary and Scientific Society 1816 - c1975
  • Cork Master Tailors Association May 1897 - Mar 1964
  • Cork Mountaineering Club c 1975 - 1990
  • Cork Newsboys' Club  1942 - 1957 
  • Cork Protestant Orphan Society 1855 - 1899
  • Cork Preservation Society  1962-1991  
  • Cork Shakespearian Society  1894 - 1901
  • Cork Stonemasons Union 1882-1990 
  • Cork Typographical Society Records 1806-1968
  • Cork Freemasons' Lodges, various, 1700s - 1900s (access restriction applies)
  • Indigent Roomkeepers Society of the City of Cork 1888, 1945-1955
  • Irish Guild of St.Luke and SS. Cosmas and Damian (Cork Branch) 1934-1968 
  • Irish Medical Association Cork Branch 19 Jul 1902 - 5 Mar 1918
  • Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) Scrapbooks 1965-1971
  • Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) Cork Branch 29 Nov 1920 - 29 Mar 1922
  • Irish Volunteers Cork Corps Membership 1913-14 (in the Liam de Roiste collection)
  • Mallow Club 1896-1908
  • Munster Dairy School and Agricultural Society 1809-1843
  • Old I.R.A. Men's Association (Cork County) (1923) 1935-1937 
  • Operative Plasterers and Allied Trades Society (Cork Branch) 1898-1990
  • Richard Dowden personal archive, ephemera and records from various Cork societies and organisations- 1800s
  • Sick Poor Society, Cork (North Parish) 1820-2000 
  • National Union of Sheet Metal Workers of Ireland, Cork Branch 1954-1990
  • Sinn Fein meeting, Macroom, Royal Irish Constabulary File 1919  
  • Skiddy’s Alms House 5 July 1809-31 October 1843‌
  • St Colman's Catholic Young Men's Society, Cloyne, County Cork 1899-1962
  • Technical, Engineering and Electrical Union Records Cork Branch 1920 - 1994
  • Thomas Hewitt personal archive, ephemera and records from various Cork societies and organisations- 1800s

The CCCA holds the archives from Cork city and county Freemasons' lodges, plus the archive of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster. Historically, the Freemasons have been active in Cork city and many county towns, from the 1700s and 1800s to the present. Records found include, for example, minute books, registers of members, bye-laws, attendance books, financial records, publications and ephemera.

Note Regarding Access: All Freemasons' lodge records are Restricted Access. The written permission of the Munster Provincial Grand Secretary, and/or the Munster Province Archivist and Librarian, is required.

Examples of Archives Held:

Bezaleel Lodge No.234 Kinsale   1877-2006 (1799-1823)  U662

Bezaleel Royal Arch Chapter No.234 Kinsale         1896-1992  U632

Boyne Lodge No.385 Clonakilty  1864-1930  U661

Concord Lodge No.71 Cork City  1775- 1972  U655

Cork Council of Knight Masons No.10      1927-2005  U646

District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Munster     1914 - 1999  U633

First Lodge of Ireland, Cork City  1726-2003  U643

George Chatterton Masonic Publications               mainly 1850s and 1860s  U685

Grand Lodge of Ireland Printed Archive  1839 - 2000  U628

Harmony Lodge No. 67, Cork City              1958-2002  U665

Harmony Lodge No.555 Fermoy and Cork City     1806-1999  U657

Hibernian Lodge No. 95 Cork City              1738-2007  U645

Lodge No. 156 Bandon/Kinsale  1787-1848  U668

Lodge No. 167, Bandon 1800  U670

Lodge No. 413 Bandon   1818-1830  U671

Lodge No. 528 Kinsale    1775-1792  U672

Lodge No. 68, Youghal    1836-2007  U667

Lodge No.15, Skibbereen             1817-2003  U641

Lodge No.27 Cork City    1748-2000  U650

Lodge No.84 Bandon      1738-2001  U651

Mourne Preceptory No. 1 High Knights Templar 1838 - 2005  U637

Neptune Lodge No.190, Cobh     1849-2002  U642

Prince Masons Chapter No.1, Cork            1838 - 1995  U686

Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster          1810-2007  U639

Ritual Notes Provincial Grand Lodge          U678

Royal Arch Chapter No. 3 Cork City           1852 - 2002  U635

Royal Arch Chapter No. 595 Cork City      1926-1963  U634

Royal Arch Chapter No.1 Cork City            1836-1999  U644

Royal Arch Chapter No.15, Skibbereen   1859-1909  U677

Royal Arch Chapter No.190, Cobh             1918-1983  U674

Royal Arch Chapter No.379 Tralee            1864-1877  U656

Royal Arch Chapter No.555 Fermoy         1894-1953  U658

Royal Arch Chapter No.68 Youghal            1911-2018  U663

Royal Arch Chapter No.71 Cork City          1908-1994  U660

Royal Arch Chapter No.8 Cork City            1832-2000  U659

Royal Arch Chapter No.84, Bandon           1910-2007  U673

Royal Arch Chapter No.95 Cork City          1860-1994  U649

Salem Lodge No.62 Tralee            1876-1967  U653

Salem Royal Arch Chapter No.62 Tralee  1876-1973  U640

Shandon Council of Knight Masons No.37              1944-1984  U647

Shandon Preceptory of High Knights Templar, Cork City   1877-1913  U664

South Munster Provincial Grand Lodge Librarian and Archivist     [2006-2009]  U687

St. Fin Barre's Lodge No.209 Cork City     1918-1979  U652

St. John's 'Quis Separabit' Lodge No. 595 Cork City            1924-1996  U638

St. Patricks Lodge No.8 Cork City                1809-2006  U648

Star of the West Lodge No.130 Tralee     1894-1938  U654

Third (3rd) Lodge of Ireland Cork City      1808 - 2003  U636

Lodge No.84 Bandon, Warrant 1738
Lodge No.84 Bandon, Warrant 1738


Stonemasons Union parade 1950s
Photo, Stonemasons Union parade 1950s