Michael Collins: Records from Cork City and County Archives
As part of the Cork 1920-23 commemorations, and to mark the Centenary of the death of Michael Collins (b.16 Oct 1890- d.22 August 1922), the following documents, photographs and records, relating to Collins, from the collections of the Cork City and County Archives Service, have been digitised and are now available online:
Agnes Hurley Photographs, (Last known photo of Michael Collins), 1922 (Ref. SM865)
Last 3 Days of Michael Collins MSS. by [Emmet Dalton] 1922 (Ref SM865)
Michael Collins material from Diarmaid Fawsitt's archive (Ref. PR81)
Michael Collins material from Liam de Roiste's archive (Ref. U271)
Michael Collins material from Terence MacSwiney files (Ref. PR4)
Michael Collins material from various small collections
Liam de Róiste's diary 22-23 August 1922
Arthur Griffith Michael Collins Memorial Booklet 1923 (U271)
An Saorstát newsheet Michael Collins Memorial Number 29 Aug 1922 (PR81)
Evening Echo 23 August 1922 (SM809)
Cork Corporation Minute Book 25 August 1922 (Death of M. Collins resolution)
Cork County Council Minutes of Finance Committee. c31 August 1922
Examples of some of the content in the above: